Statistics & Research about Warrenton,VA - Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Warrenton,VA an area served by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

5306 LEE HWY
Phone : (888) 448-2828

Car dealers nearby Service First Insurance Agency Inc

State Motors

Phone: (540) 349-2744

29 Auto Outlet

Phone: 1-866-737-9402
url: http://29autooutlet.comindex.htm

Real estate research for area nearby Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Burke Centre 392,600 1746 5.3
Fairfax 465,100 1643 4.2
Robertson 232,300 1093 5.6
Fauquier County 363,600 1138 3.8
Dale City 259,700 1467 6.8
The Plains 450,000 1083 2.9
Burke 474,200 2001 5.1
Greenbriar 410,300 1493 4.4
Centreville 374,000 1593 5.1
Gainesville 362,700 1360 4.5

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Burke Centre 2445
Fairfax 3006
Robertson 1365
Fauquier County 11526
Dale City 7827
The Plains 46
Burke 5205
Greenbriar 347
Centreville 9444
Gainesville 9589
Franklin Farm 1448
Loch Lomond 729
Griffis-Widewater 2162
Brentsville 7950
Brambleton 908

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Burke Centre 238700
Fairfax 802800
Robertson 338200
Fauquier County 419800
Dale City 360200
Burke 577600
Greenbriar 350800
Centreville 470500
Gainesville 453100
Franklin Farm 1000001
Loch Lomond 416700
Griffis-Widewater 324500
Brentsville 405800
Brambleton 556900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Burke Centre 602
Fairfax 1004
Robertson 83
Fauquier County 2313
Dale City 2773
The Plains 9
Burke 1980
Greenbriar 43
Centreville 2131
Gainesville 2467
Franklin Farm 1548
Loch Lomond 64
Griffis-Widewater 619
Brentsville 3458
Brambleton 643

Number of blacks in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Burke Centre 1096
Fairfax 1079
Robertson 438
Fauquier County 5393
Dale City 19493
Burke 2189
Greenbriar 200
Centreville 5308
Gainesville 7986
Franklin Farm 702
Loch Lomond 50
Griffis-Widewater 3973
Brentsville 8125
Brambleton 578