Statistics & Research about Courtland,VA - Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Courtland,VA an area served by Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Po Box 67

Car dealers nearby Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Cars & Credit

Cars & Credit 27444 Southampton Parkway.Courtland,VA,23837 PH757-516-2777
Phone: 757-516-2777

Real estate research for area nearby Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Fairfax 236,400 1127 5.7
Cuckoo 209,800 1121 6.4
Rock Hill 328,800 1613 5.9
Aquia Harbour 321,400 2001 7.5
James Monroe 298,700 894 3.6
Southern Gateway 177,800 1300 8.8
Port Royal 173,900 845 5.8
George Washington 268,100 1314 5.9
County Center 403,300 1613 4.8
Quantico 239,300 897 4.5

Number of old houses in places near by Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Place name Number of old houses
West Fairfax 272700
Cuckoo 224500
Rock Hill 442900
James Monroe 223600
Port Royal 229000
George Washington 259300
Quantico 168800
Garrisonville 264300
Coles 141700

Number of vacant houses in places near by Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Place name Number of vacant houses
West Fairfax 458
Cuckoo 541
Rock Hill 203
Aquia Harbour 208
James Monroe 336
Southern Gateway 151
Port Royal 193
George Washington 483
Quantico 90
Garrisonville 402
Dahlgren Center 59
Coles 699
Quantico Base 30

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
West Fairfax 1563
Cuckoo 1453
Rock Hill 2064
Aquia Harbour 713
James Monroe 1185
Southern Gateway 318
Port Royal 1045
George Washington 2745
County Center 465
Quantico 35
Garrisonville 1510
Dahlgren Center 61
Coles 5178
Passapatanzy 251
Quantico Base 851

Number of blacks in places near by Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc.

Place name Number of blacks
West Fairfax 1659
Cuckoo 847
Rock Hill 2993
Aquia Harbour 669
James Monroe 1197
Southern Gateway 1113
Port Royal 1033
George Washington 2636
County Center 829
Quantico 54
Garrisonville 3551
Dahlgren Center 210
Coles 10797
Passapatanzy 113
Quantico Base 598