Statistics & Research about Mclean,VA - Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Mclean,VA an area served by Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Phone : 703-883-0500

Real estate research for area nearby Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Marlboro Meadows 299,800 2001 8.0
Floris 595,700 2001 4.0
Ilchester 375,400 1499 4.8
Redland 401,800 1493 4.5
Ashton-Sandy Spring 692,900 1285 2.2
Martins Additions 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Quantico 239,300 897 4.5
Newington 419,500 1879 5.4
Coral Hills 212,700 1184 6.7
Severn 336,600 1355 4.8

Number of whites in places near by Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Place name Number of whites
Marlboro Meadows 380
Floris 4787
Ilchester 14738
Redland 10065
Ashton-Sandy Spring 3874
Martins Additions 854
Quantico 270
Newington 8057
Coral Hills 570
Severn 21483
Summerfield 276
Adamstown 2059
Garrett Park 968
Bull Run 7943
Glenmont 5226

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Marlboro Meadows 276900
Ilchester 431400
Redland 450500
Ashton-Sandy Spring 573600
Martins Additions 895800
Newington 397900
Coral Hills 182800
Severn 323100
Summerfield 234500
Adamstown 237500
Garrett Park 652800
Bull Run 177100
Glenmont 360600

Number of new houses in places near by Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Place name Number of new houses
Ilchester 471100
Martins Additions 1000001
Severn 272600
Summerfield 295600

Number of blacks in places near by Sahouri Insurance Agency & Financial Service Inc.

Place name Number of blacks
Marlboro Meadows 3099
Floris 250
Ilchester 3167
Redland 1988
Ashton-Sandy Spring 756
Martins Additions 3
Quantico 54
Newington 2256
Coral Hills 8137
Severn 15033
Summerfield 10376
Adamstown 95
Garrett Park 39
Bull Run 3167
Glenmont 3452