Statistics & Research about Annandale,VA - Lam & Associates Ltd

Here are some statistics & research about Annandale,VA an area served by Lam & Associates Ltd

Phone : 703-941-7950

Real estate research for area nearby Lam & Associates Ltd

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Suitland 228,500 1128 5.9
Woodburn 521,800 1722 4.0
Langley Park 228,800 1158 6.1
Chevy Chase Section Five 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Arcola 1000001 NA NA
Marlboro Village 276,600 1760 7.6
South Run 701,900 2001 3.4
Burke Centre 392,600 1746 5.3
Silver Spring 453,900 1387 3.7
Newington Forest 379,400 1836 5.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lam & Associates Ltd

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Suitland 4355
Woodburn 1070
Langley Park 2641
Chevy Chase Section Five 17
Marlboro Village 1352
Burke Centre 952
Silver Spring 9127
Newington Forest 896
Redland 645
Chevy Chase Village 3
Cloverly 147
Ashton-Sandy Spring 79

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Lam & Associates Ltd

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Suitland 1725
Woodburn 191
Langley Park 1389
Marlboro Village 187
Burke Centre 380
Silver Spring 8532
Newington Forest 18
Redland 178
Cloverly 42
Ashton-Sandy Spring 92
Brookeville 3

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Lam & Associates Ltd

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Suitland 238000
Woodburn 443200
Langley Park 231500
Chevy Chase Section Five 1000001
Arcola 1000001
Marlboro Village 280800
Burke Centre 292900
Silver Spring 389400
Newington Forest 419400
Redland 450500
Chevy Chase Village 1000001
Cloverly 471200
Ashton-Sandy Spring 573600

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Lam & Associates Ltd

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Suitland 242000
Woodburn 569500
Langley Park 167400
Chevy Chase Section Five 1000001
Marlboro Village 248700
South Run 693900
Burke Centre 365100
Silver Spring 476400
Newington Forest 348600
Redland 383700
Chevy Chase Village 1000001
Cloverly 518000
Ashton-Sandy Spring 707100
Brookeville 375000