Statistics & Research about Alexandria,VA - Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Alexandria,VA an area served by Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 703-799-5626

Real estate research for area nearby Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Seven Corners 270,300 1197 5.3
Montgomery County 455,800 1525 4.0
Broad Run 452,500 1636 4.3
Hunter Mill 533,200 1605 3.6
Bryantown 399,500 1615 4.9
Four Corners 430,700 1931 5.4
Kings Park 418,500 2001 5.7
Forestville 220,700 1238 6.7
Crofton 377,800 1506 4.8
South Kensington 641,300 2001 3.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Seven Corners 1282
Montgomery County 78918
Broad Run 4769
Hunter Mill 12527
Four Corners 260
Kings Park 76
Forestville 1359
Crofton 2594
South Kensington 203
Westphalia 345
Aquasco 91
Takoma Park 1981
Hyattsville 1967
Seat Pleasant 584

Number of old houses in places near by Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Montgomery County 659700
Broad Run 489500
Hunter Mill 577000
Bryantown 403800
Four Corners 472000
Forestville 184200
Crofton 1000001
South Kensington 603100
Westphalia 164900
Aquasco 94100
Takoma Park 560700
Hyattsville 319300
Seat Pleasant 193600

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Seven Corners 236400
Montgomery County 551400
Broad Run 498600
Hunter Mill 526200
Bryantown 431500
Kings Park 218800
Forestville 259400
Crofton 437600
South Kensington 1000001
Westphalia 417900
Aquasco 356700
Takoma Park 296400
Hyattsville 308300
Seat Pleasant 331800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Ksa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Seven Corners 85
Montgomery County 44036
Broad Run 2378
Hunter Mill 6346
Bryantown 98
Four Corners 233
Kings Park 194
Forestville 312
Crofton 803
South Kensington 397
Westphalia 313
Aquasco 20
Takoma Park 464
Hyattsville 527
Seat Pleasant 144