Statistics & Research about Gainesville,VA - Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Gainesville,VA an area served by Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Phone : 703-938-8070

Car dealers nearby Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Dealers Trade Outlet

16327 Lee Highway Gainesville, VA 20155
Phone: 703-754-9800

Real estate research for area nearby Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Franconia 367,500 1840 6.0
Stone Ridge 374,800 2001 6.4
Hybla Valley 334,000 1237 4.4
Mason Neck 638,000 2001 3.8
West Springfield 433,600 1816 5.0
Seven Corners 270,300 1197 5.3
Lovettsville 315,800 1479 5.6
Marshall 465,600 1139 2.9
Potomac 871,400 1910 2.6
Calverton 305600 NA NA

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Franconia 346
Stone Ridge 231
Hybla Valley 321
Mason Neck 86
West Springfield 1298
Seven Corners 85
Lovettsville 26
Marshall 387
Potomac 5764
Marumsco 1248
Lee 3565
Shenandoah Farms 9
Long Branch 549

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Franconia 513
Hybla Valley 1426
West Springfield 440
Seven Corners 1448
Lovettsville 11
Marshall 125
Potomac 831
Marumsco 1196
Lee 4651
Chester Gap 26
Shenandoah Farms 175
Long Branch 100

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Franconia 530700
Stone Ridge 378700
Hybla Valley 457300
Mason Neck 927400
West Springfield 646600
Seven Corners 236400
Lovettsville 353300
Marshall 483800
Potomac 1000001
Marumsco 310500
Lee 560600
Chester Gap 840300
Shenandoah Farms 229400
Long Branch 283800

Number of new houses in places near by Freeman & Sherburne Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Stone Ridge 142800
Marshall 1000001