Statistics & Research about Centreville,VA - Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Centreville,VA an area served by Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

14631 LEE HWY STE 302
Phone : 703-266-9114

Real estate research for area nearby Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Catoctin 539,900 1619 3.6
Linton Hall 380,600 2001 6.3
The Plains 450,000 1083 2.9
Kings Park West 463,200 2001 5.2
North Kensington 404,200 1362 4.0
Brookmont 941,000 2001 2.6
Pimmit Hills 467,100 2001 5.1
Leisure World 240,200 1288 6.4
South Kensington 641,300 2001 3.7
Marumsco 212,400 1356 7.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Catoctin 1388
Linton Hall 625
The Plains 34
Kings Park West 89
North Kensington 622
Brookmont 247
Pimmit Hills 268
Leisure World 3453
South Kensington 203
Marumsco 3071
Center 1027
Chevy Chase 590
Kemp Mill 412
Mason Neck 134
Burke 385

Number of vacant houses in places near by Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Catoctin 750
Linton Hall 258
The Plains 21
Kings Park West 90
North Kensington 103
Brookmont 58
Pimmit Hills 123
Leisure World 825
South Kensington 120
Marumsco 610
Center 425
Chevy Chase 178
Kemp Mill 220
Mason Neck 91
Burke 175

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Catoctin 4745
Linton Hall 3179
The Plains 46
Kings Park West 1457
North Kensington 1346
Brookmont 236
Pimmit Hills 1039
Leisure World 1536
South Kensington 1286
Marumsco 4306
Center 2232
Chevy Chase 1139
Kemp Mill 1326
Mason Neck 289
Burke 5205

Number of blacks in places near by Dominion General Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Catoctin 3411
Linton Hall 4503
Kings Park West 494
North Kensington 822
Brookmont 165
Pimmit Hills 166
Leisure World 1422
South Kensington 307
Marumsco 7298
Center 1572
Chevy Chase 356
Kemp Mill 2122
Mason Neck 229
Burke 2189