Statistics & Research about Woodbridge,VA - Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Woodbridge,VA an area served by Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Phone : 703-491-8060

Real estate research for area nearby Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dunn Loring 644,300 2001 3.7
Hybla Valley 334,000 1237 4.4
Kings Park West 463,200 2001 5.2
Cherry Hill 298,700 1383 5.6
Idylwood 470,800 1604 4.1
Laurel Hill 441,300 2001 5.4
Cabin John 860,000 1967 2.7
Glassmanor 248,400 1119 5.4
Suitland 228,500 1128 5.9
Brandywine 310,600 1429 5.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Dunn Loring 76
Hybla Valley 1906
Kings Park West 89
Cherry Hill 1056
Idylwood 2072
Laurel Hill 414
Cabin John 97
Glassmanor 2998
Suitland 4355
Brandywine 140
Potomac Mills 127
Groveton 1678
Loch Lomond 49
Boswells Corner 208

Number of old houses in places near by Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of old houses
Dunn Loring 553600
Hybla Valley 69300
Idylwood 600500
Cabin John 905200
Glassmanor 186800
Suitland 196800
Brandywine 236700
Potomac Mills 265600
Groveton 426400
Boswells Corner 183900
Bryantown 403800

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hybla Valley 315
Kings Park West 90
Cherry Hill 448
Idylwood 363
Laurel Hill 4
Cabin John 13
Glassmanor 1010
Suitland 1110
Brandywine 105
Potomac Mills 84
Groveton 399
Loch Lomond 87
Boswells Corner 87

Number of whites in places near by Cannon Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of whites
Dunn Loring 6492
Hybla Valley 6252
Kings Park West 9641
Cherry Hill 4920
Idylwood 10998
Laurel Hill 3009
Cabin John 1947
Glassmanor 1172
Suitland 1051
Brandywine 2041
Potomac Mills 2932
Groveton 7449
Loch Lomond 3098
Boswells Corner 710
Bryantown 637