Statistics & Research about Falls Church,VA - Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Here are some statistics & research about Falls Church,VA an area served by Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Phone : 703-237-3130

Car dealers nearby Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Global Auto Wholesale

Falls Church,VA
Phone: (703) 495-5000

International Motors Ltd

Falls Church,VA
Phone: (703) 534-7222

Real estate research for area nearby Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Potomac 374,400 1721 5.5
Fair Oaks 412,000 1680 4.9
Fulton 682,600 2001 3.5
Spencerville 468,700 1553 4.0
Fairfax County 480,200 1621 4.1
Poolesville 451,800 1516 4.0
McNair 357,800 1640 5.5
Fairland 326,400 1484 5.5
Greenbriar 410,300 1493 4.4
Howard County 435,300 1433 4.0

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Potomac 366400
Fair Oaks 456500
Fulton 729300
Spencerville 487200
Fairfax County 589400
Poolesville 650400
McNair 335500
Fairland 481600
Greenbriar 350800
Howard County 552400
Somerset 1000001
Lake Ridge 356600
Mount Vernon 510300
Seven Corners 236400
Hillcrest Heights 341900

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Potomac 3755
Fair Oaks 5389
Fulton 174
Spencerville 95
Fairfax County 118886
Poolesville 592
McNair 2037
Fairland 2737
Greenbriar 347
Howard County 32465
Somerset 89
Lake Ridge 7030
Mount Vernon 12843
Seven Corners 470
Hillcrest Heights 2674

Number of blacks in places near by Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Place name Number of blacks
Potomac 2217
Fair Oaks 3087
Fulton 130
Spencerville 483
Fairfax County 99298
Poolesville 429
McNair 2377
Fairland 12346
Greenbriar 200
Howard County 51279
Somerset 8
Lake Ridge 8825
Mount Vernon 18050
Seven Corners 1197
Hillcrest Heights 14120

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Apex Insurance & Financial Service Corp

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Potomac 373400
Fair Oaks 409200
Fulton 494700
Spencerville 681500
Fairfax County 518100
Poolesville 650000
McNair 362400
Fairland 466700
Greenbriar 434400
Howard County 511300
Somerset 1000001
Lake Ridge 277400
Mount Vernon 415800
Seven Corners 534100
Hillcrest Heights 258500