Statistics & Research about Dahlgren,VA - American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Dahlgren,VA an area served by American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 540-663-0190

Car dealers nearby American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Js Cars

Phone: (800) 831-3001

Real estate research for area nearby American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dahlgren 269,500 1164 5.2
Fort Hunt 640,500 2001 3.7
Warsaw 165,500 277 2.0
Bensville 373,500 1945 6.2
Mason Neck 638,000 2001 3.8
Stafford County 309,300 1382 5.4
Bryans Road 268,900 1449 6.5
Laurel Hill 441,300 2001 5.4
Fort Washington 354,000 2001 6.8

Number of whites in places near by American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Dahlgren 3610
Fort Hunt 15383
Dahlgren Center 653
Warsaw 969
Bensville 5856
Mason Neck 1895
Stafford County 92277
Bryans Road 3499
Laurel Hill 3009
Fort Washington 3785
Shiloh 3283
Neabsco 22757
La Plata 5444
James Madison 5367
Bowling Green 3189

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Dahlgren 611
Fort Hunt 241
Dahlgren Center 116
Warsaw 58
Bensville 127
Mason Neck 134
Stafford County 5730
Bryans Road 213
Laurel Hill 414
Fort Washington 383
Shiloh 477
Neabsco 1635
La Plata 725
James Madison 390
Bowling Green 299

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Dahlgren 99
Fort Hunt 8
Dahlgren Center 11
Warsaw 114
Bensville 34
Stafford County 1162
Bryans Road 68
Laurel Hill 17
Fort Washington 103
Shiloh 77
Neabsco 962
La Plata 208
James Madison 84
Bowling Green 149

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by American Standard Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Dahlgren 97
Fort Hunt 1160
Dahlgren Center 15
Warsaw 17
Bensville 878
Mason Neck 86
Stafford County 5752
Bryans Road 236
Laurel Hill 356
Fort Washington 2295
Shiloh 61
Neabsco 1760
La Plata 297
James Madison 193
Bowling Green 72