Statistics & Research about Front Royal,VA - Abc Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Front Royal,VA an area served by Abc Insurance Llc

Phone : 540-635-3322

Car dealers nearby Abc Insurance Llc

Marlow Motor Company

Marlow Motor Company, 707 Commerce Avenue , Front Royal, VA , 22630, Sales: (877) 431-9867Service: 540-635-4158Parts: 540-635-4158
Front Royal,VA
Phone: (877) 431-9867

Jack Evans Chevrolet

125 S Royal Ave , FRONT ROYAL, VA 22630
Front Royal,VA
Phone: (540) 551-4713

Real estate research for area nearby Abc Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Stonewall-Hawthorne 453,000 1135 3.0
Marshall 465,600 1139 2.9
Purcellville 410,800 1140 3.3
Mount Jackson 152,300 783 6.2
Shenandoah Retreat 191600 NA NA
Sperryville 172,800 746 5.2
Shenandoah Shores 192200 NA NA
Kabletown 247,600 1102 5.3
Happy Creek 247,400 947 4.6
Shawneeland 177,400 913 6.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Abc Insurance Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Stonewall-Hawthorne 171
Marshall 938
Purcellville 340
Mount Jackson 260
Shenandoah Retreat 175
Sperryville 22
Shenandoah Shores 79
Kabletown 778
Happy Creek 907
Shawneeland 340
Opequon 918
Clarke County 1403
Shenandoah Farms 286
White Post 270
Shenandoah County 5560

Number of whites in places near by Abc Insurance Llc

Place name Number of whites
Stonewall-Hawthorne 1320
Marshall 11149
Purcellville 7102
Mount Jackson 1836
Shenandoah Retreat 622
Sperryville 311
Shenandoah Shores 736
Kabletown 11348
Happy Creek 8730
Shawneeland 2267
Opequon 12188
Clarke County 12805
Shenandoah Farms 2780
White Post 2120
Shenandoah County 40016

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Abc Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Stonewall-Hawthorne 402600
Marshall 129800
Purcellville 354600
Mount Jackson 157400
Shenandoah Retreat 165800
Shenandoah Shores 175800
Kabletown 247500
Happy Creek 207600
Shawneeland 148900
Opequon 111100
Clarke County 289500
White Post 167500
Shenandoah County 216200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Abc Insurance Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Stonewall-Hawthorne 288
Marshall 2644
Purcellville 542
Mount Jackson 419
Shenandoah Retreat 62
Sperryville 81
Shenandoah Shores 131
Kabletown 2239
Happy Creek 2113
Shawneeland 548
Opequon 2293
Clarke County 2621
Shenandoah Farms 724
White Post 531
Shenandoah County 9874